Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My first blog!

Hello Everyone, my name is Rachel Leger, and I have a crochet addiction. Well, not really an addiction, but I like to crochet...a lot. I started crocheting 3 years ago. I taught myself. I started out by looking up tutorial videos on YouTube on how to crochet different stitches. My first project was supposed to be a blanket.. let's just say it didn't look much like a blanket.. my mom called it “Conan.” And it did look like something Conan would wear. The stitches were loose, and lopsided.. Oh, I wish I still had it so I could post it on this blog. Unfortunately, I don't. But if I ever find it somewhere, I promise I'll post it!

Luckily, I found Yolanda Lopez's videos. That women is amazing! One day, I want to be able to put tutorial videos on YouTube so people can follow them! That would be great! Anyways, if you are a beginner, and want to learn to crochet, look her up on YouTube!

Anyways, like I said I like to crochet a lot. I like small projects though, because I never finish large projects, and I end up finding not even half way done projects everywhere. I like to crochet baby stuff like hats, mittens, and booties.

So, obviously this is my very first blog, and I'm super excited about it. I just started my own little on the side gig. I named it One Stitch at a Time. I picked that name because not only do I crochet, I like to sew, too. (Even though my sewing machine gives me fits every now and then.) And like my crochet work, I only like to sew baby stuff, too. This includes bibs, burp clothes, pee pee tee pees and that kind of stuff.

I've decided every time I make something I'm putting it in a box in my craft room, and when I have a lot of stuff in my box, I'm going to go to a craft show, or the flea market. I haven't decided what I want to do just yet though. If you have any suggestions, you can let me know! I also have a Facebook page with albums of all the things I've crocheted and sewed here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/rachel.leger.52. Also, feel free to add yourself to my friends and share my page with your buddies!

So, the latest thing I've crocheted are these cute little boots:

If I had a little girl these cute "wittle" things would be on those little toes right now! 

Well, I think that's all for now! If you'd like to contact me, you can contact me through Facebook at the link I provided above, or you can email me at Onestitchatatime2014@gmail.com. I would love to hear from you! Also, feel free to leave a comment or suggestions on my blog! 

Happy Crocheting!,

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